Something About The Eternauta to Hector's
Beccar was very similar to the one I drew for Juan Salvo "has now, seated next to their leaves and pencils, Francisco Solano Lopez, the man who invented them faces 1957 to characters from The Eternauta, the comic tells the first story. Solano López, a type that any Oesterheld once defined as "a very hot designer." In September will mark 40 years of that first time and John Salvo Eternauta, is giving birth to fans. A check, in a recent issue of the journal Comique, the Argentine cartoon character most votes was the mature surfer eternity.
In 1957, Oesterheld had founded his own publishing company, Frontera, which pulled the magazines Hora Cero and Frontera. "One day, Lopez-Hector has called me and asked me what I do. I said I wanted out of comics drawn and shots. I was looking for an opportunity to reflect the psychology of the characters. She told me her idea of \u200b\u200bEternauta. It was what I wanted. "
The publication in People, ended badly. In an interview he did Carlos Trillo and Guillermo Saccomanno, evaluating its Oesterheld himself: "The People Eternauta in failed. It failed because it was not for that journal. I was different: I could not do the same. The editorial received letters from readers for publishing insulting cartoons. And then the editor satiate a letter of apology. So we had to rush the ending. "
In 1976, Oesterheld strikes again. Sale The Eternauta, Part II, in the magazine Skorpio, record edits. López SSolano again draw. The Triple A and armed groups ... The country began to fill with death.
changed his life: Hector Oesterheld Germain had come fully to Montoneros, with the name Germain. She had left home. Sometimes he slept on the Tigre, Rodolfo Walsh, and sometimes unknown hotel. He had left to do what he believed essential: to be consistent with its interpretation of the world. An early explanation of his actions may be read in The Eternauta 1957: "If we want to stop the invader," says Professor Favelli, when he and John are about to leave the chalet in Vicente López, "we must employ us all and very deeply. If not attacked the invader now that has not yet had time to settle in a later will not be able to. "
"In their stories, the adventure is a hinge, where a common man is in a limited circumstance, leave everything and go to live differently. Delivery of life to a higher sense, "says Sasturain, as if speaking of man and not the character.
The man was another, the character also. In the second part, written in the beginning with the 1976 military coup, Salvo returns to land in the XXII century and finds a people who live in caves, is a sort of Stone Age, and is a slave to them. Do you imagine that this would be the future if they won? Now Juan Salvo longer some guy, integrated into its group and becomes a tough leader with superpowers. One guy can understand how a machine with just looking at it to see what is to happen, to concentrate and move their mental energy to the muscles, which is invincible, able to sacrifice many of their own to give a blow to the enemy. Deciding to save the village, where children play and the great work, although that decision causes the death of Ellen and Martha, his wife and child. Artist and writer
had their first problems in this second part. The nights were over roast and wine in the house of Beccar when Oesterheld Solano Lopez and planned to make together a history of the War of Paraguay. The scripts came and drew them Solano López, but something began to bother him. "Hector took the Eternauta as a tool of activism. I questioned this a lot, because I was not consulted. I saw he was making propaganda for the armed struggle. And I do not agree. Nor did he agree with the military, but between the military and Montoneros, in the middle, had a few million people, "says the artist.
spent more. The youngest son of Solano Lopez had entered the path of militancy, despite strong opposition from his father. In early 1977, concluded that her son's life was in danger. "I took him to Madrid, the lashes," he says with relief. immediately came April 27 ambush in La Plata, which led to Oesterheld, torture, the visit of the grandson of three years cell ... silence, the silence of death itself began The Eternauta. Again anticipated. In the first version, one character lamented: "Everybody disappeared ... as if it had never existed." Many believed
read The Eternauta a premonition, a harbinger of things to cut through Argentina in the 70. As if he expected so much pain, said Juan Salvo in 1957 "When you come reflection and be made fully aware of what has happened, how can I do to mitigate the punishment?
Projects 2
File 2 IMPLoader is a script written in ruby \u200b\u200bwhich responsible for connecting to the Internet, download posters of movies and then create a nice collage (mosaic) with the images downloaded. To use this script you have installed imagemagick and ruby. If you have not installed, you can use the following command: | ruby \u200b\u200b$ sudo aptitude install imagemagick
Note: ImageMagick is an application of console to manipulate graphics files and Ruby is a programming language and interpreter, in this case, responsible for executing the judgments written in the script.
To run the script:
Download the file from the link provided and unpacked to the directory from which to execute. The file includes a script called "imploader.rb" and a file README containing information about its use.
You give the script execution permissions: $ chmod +
x imploader.rb Now open the file with a text editor and modify the following lines according to your preferences: TMPPATH = "/ home / joe / Desktop / FILM # Path to save the wallpaper and temp files
STYLE = 3 # Black = 1 White = 2, 3
Polaroid = 1024 # W = Width of final image
H = 768 # Height of final image
BORDERW = 50 # Left / right border width BORDERH = 0 # Top / bottom border height TMPPATH is the path where the wallpaper will be stored and dynamically generated images of the posters downloaded, W and H indicates the horizontal and vertical size of the generated image and the style STYLE wallpaper (1 is black background, 2 and 3 is white Polaroid's style). Well, once set up the script with the desired values, you can run it with:
$. / Imploader.rb
then connect to the Internet, Download images of some posters and generate the wallpaper. If you already have downloaded the images and do not want to download new ones, if no previous use. instead you can run: $. / imploader.rb-n
to regenerate the generated wallpaper. Maybe the script is not useful but is very curious and even ideas you may "upcoming" to see.
The script will download only the posters of the top 10 of IMP Awards. To use our own images or download from another site would have to edit the script.
Here I leave the code to substitute for their pictures:
# / bin / bash # =====================
# You seek cover from an input file # Depends on imagemagick
# =================================
# =========================== ====================
========================== =================== # # FUNCTIONS
crear_miniatura () {
source = $ 1 target = $ 2
convert \\
"$ origin"-thumbnail 250 × 250 \\
\\ (+ clone-background black-shadow 125 × 3 +3 +3-channel A-evaluate multiply 2 + channel \\) \\
+ swap + Page-gravity center-composite-geometry -0 to 2 \\
"$ destination "2> / dev / null}
# ===================================== ================ Now
# # ===========================
content ==========================
# generate a list of active directory avi
hora_ini = `date +% F-% T` seg_ini = `date
+% S `
# if [-f list.txt] Then
# echo" Overwrite list.txt? (S / N) "read res
# # if [$ res =" N "] # mv list.txt Then
# fi # fi
echo" Generating list of movies ... "
directorio_origen =`
pwd `if [" $ 1 "==" "]; Then
directorio_destino = $ directorio_origen
directorio_destino = $ 1
fi if! [[-D "$ directorio_destino"]]; Then
echo "KO specified directory does not exist ... [$ directorio_destino]" exit 1
fi echo "Trying directory ... [$ directorio_destino]
cd "$ directorio_destino"
ls *. avi -E 's /) / \\] / g'-e 's / \\ [.* \\] / / g'-e 's / [cC] [dD] [1-9] / /'-e 's / [\\ (] [1-9] [oO] [fF] [1-9] [\\ )]//'-e 's / [1-9] [oO] [fF] [1-9] / / '-e' s / [_-\\.] / / g '-e' s \\ .... $ \\ \\ '-e' s / (/% 28 / g '-e' s /) /% 29 / g '>> $ directorio_origen / list.txt 2> / dev / null
cd "$ directorio_origen"
# passed to lower case, we Quinones low, sort and remove duplicates
echo "Sorting and removing duplicates ..." cat list
. txt )
if [[-f "$ dir_img / $ img_peli.png"]]; Then
echo "($ num_act / $ num_tot) [OK] image already exists for [$ linea_act]
img_buscada = $ ( echo "$ {linea_act ##*/}" ... Not found [$ linea_act]
echo-e "No image." ]] Then
let "num_new + = 1"
hora_fin = `date +% F-% T`
seg_fin = `date +% s`
let seg_elapsed = $ seg_fin-$ seg_ini
echo echo "[OK] File processing ($ num_new / $ num_tot new images) - Home: $ hora_ini - Final: $ hora_fin - [$ seg_elapsed seconds]"
echo echo "END"
Download Rune Iso